Interview with Bree Prosser AKA November Wild

Posted on June 16, 2022 by Dannika Soukoroff


Bree Prosser AKA November Wild is a prolific artist, illustrator & photographer in Nelson B.C. She has created branding for Die Blute, Bonedarling, Oath Oracle & Nelson School of Yoga... just to name a few.

With her enchanting and distinct aesthetic, Bree creates a world of wonder. Her intuitive approach in working with her clients, helps them clearly communicate who they are in their branding. 

Her water trifecta (Scorpio, Cancer & Pisces) in her natal chart, comes through clearly in her art with ethereal, whimsical & magickal aesthetic. 

                           White snake

Gaia: Hi Bree, such a blessing to be interviewing you. Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?

Bree: I'm originally from Saskatoon, but have called Nelson, BC home for 17 years. The things that are most memorable from my days in Saskatchewan are biking through the city, going up to our cabin and really just exploring and expressing my creativity through things like fashion and all of the fun crafty projects I always had on the go. My friends would have probably described me as free-spirited, crafty, and a bit quirky. I have a real fondness for my time there and all the people who shaped me.

I fell in love with Nelson when I came here to vend at Street Fest with my partner at the time back in the early 2000's. I didn't end up moving here until later, but I instantly knew that I loved the Kootenays. The pace of life, the connection to nature and the creative community are all things I deeply treasure here. I attended the Digital Arts Program at Selkirk College in Nelson from 2013-2015. I have been operating my freelance design, illustration & photography business, November Wild ever since then. I've worked with many wonderful businesses both locally and world-wide (thank-you Instagram), helping them to capture their business through design and photography. I love what I do and I'm so grateful to do it from the comfort of my home in this beautiful little mountain town. When I'm not working you will find me going for long walks with my husband, camping around the Kootenays, and taking photos of flowers.

Gaia: Before photography & digital media, what are some of the mediums you liked working with?

Bree: I had always considered myself a crafter having explored different mediums throughout my life like sewing, jewelry, weaving, repurposing and DIY projects, etc. I later got into acrylic and oil painting, chalk pastels and illustration. Before I went to school to study Digital Arts I was really into collaging. My portfolio for entry into the Digital Arts program was a compilation of my collages. I didn't really know what I was looking for in studying Digital Arts other than thinking my art style might translate well digitally. I had just started using Instagram at the time and was really enjoying using photo apps to merge my photography with cool visual effects. That gave me another indication that I would enjoy exploring the digital art realm, without truly understanding everything it had to offer. Before Digital Arts I was also exploring ceramics. I had spent the summer taking private pottery lessons and I actually applied to both the Ceramics and Digital Arts program as I was unsure of what direction I wanted to go. I ultimately decided on Digital Arts because the potential seemed so vast and I thought there would probably be a culmination of things that I could piece together that might make sense for me!

Gaia: Did you always intend on having a creative career path? How did you arrive here and decide that you wanted to be an artist?

  Nelson Die Blute

Bree: I've always desired a creative career, but also had a really hard time discerning what that would be or what it might look like. I knew that I thrived when I could freely explore my creativity, but was astutely aware that I needed some sort of structure and direction alongside that or the Pisces in me would float off into the abyss. I did well in English in high school so I went the obvious route of getting my English degree and enrolling in Education to become a teacher. After my first year of Education, I volunteered at a Buddhist center for a summer in Colorado and came back with a lot of clarity that I still had some personal exploration to do. I decided to quit the Education program and moved to Nelson with my partner at the time who came here for music school.

Nelson introduced me to a lot of alternative things which I think really changed the course of my life. I started working at a local hemp shop and this really fed my interest in the natural health and wellness industry. I went on to do an Aromatherapy program online, which then led me to go to school to become a Spa Practitioner. I started working in spas doing bodywork, facials, esthetics, and reflexology, but after about 6 years in that industry, I realized that I was craving something more creative. I knew I wanted to stay in Nelson so I decided I would choose from the programs available to me here, which led me to the Digital Arts program. I had no intention of becoming a graphic designer going into that program. By my second year, I was intrigued at the thought of having a product line comprised of art prints, stationary, and fun accessories. After I had completed the program, several people I had met through the spa industry started reaching out for design and photography services. It is here that my past interests and new skill set started to merge. I was getting opportunities to creatively be of service to people in industries that I was personally passionate about. I am just now circling back to my initial interest of having a product line and am currently integrating that into my business.

Gaia: Do you have creative projects that you have going just for fun? Are you experimenting with any new styles of art or mediums, or anything that is outside of what you do for work?

Bree: As I mentioned, I'm currently working on a product line. I've wanted to add another layer to my business for a while now and it took a couple years of exploring different ideas to get clarity on what felt the most aligned. I knew I wanted to create something magical that inspired and supported intentional living. My products won't be released until later this year, but it's nice to feel such stability in the current structure of my business that I can now envision  adding in this extra layer.

Luna Moth

                                 Luna Moth taken by November Wild

Gaia: Your work always has a very distinct look. Has this been a natural process in developing your art or is this something that you intentionally created?

Bree: I'd say both are true. It's been the culmination of the right people finding me based on certain industries I've circulated in throughout my life and also being super selective with the work I take on. Intuition plays a big part in my creative process and I discovered early on that if I don't feel some personal connection or appreciation for a project then that intuition becomes much harder to access. A personal motto of mine is “The work you do dictates the work you get” and this has really helped guide me as I consider what I want to attract in my career.

Gaia: What are a few of your favourite photographs that you have taken? What do you like about them?

Bree: It's hard for me to pick favourites as each shoot holds its own specific magic and memory for me. I always love my shoots for Communion Botanicals and Bone Darling as they are two of my best friends and will forever be muses of mine. Even though the thread of my aesthetic is apparent in all of my shoots, I really love trying on different moods and colour palettes depending on the business that I'm working with.

I recently photographed a collection of candles I illustrated for Ritualcravt. I put a lot of thought into creating each photo as though each were a spell of its own. I carefully curated 13 different scenes reflective of the intention of each candle. It's really special when I get to photograph products I've done the design and illustration work for.

Lastly, I will say a couple favourite photos I've taken are of my friends beautiful white snake Moonflower and a series of photos I took of a Luna Moth. I really cherish the opportunity to capture magical creatures that you wouldn't typically see in your everyday environment.


                        Alyssa of Bonedarling taken by November Wild

Gaia: What is your inspiration for your photography and your digital media illustration and branding?

Bree: I find a lot of inspiration in nature, the cosmos and the metaphysical realm. More specifically I'm inspired by folklore, witchcraft, divination, astrology, plant medicine, the spirit realm, seasonal magic and so much more. I also love being prompted by the ideas and projects of my clients. I love the challenge of piecing together the direction they give me with my own intuition and seeing what's conjured as a result.

Gaia: You have created branding for Bonedarling, Nelson School of Yoga, Communion Botanicals, Althaea Herbals, Die Blute, Oath Oracle& Essence of Ash.. just to name a few. There seems to be a strong theme in the people you work with, in the sense of their offerings… body, mind, spirit, artists, magic... Did you anticipate that you would be filling such a niche?

Bree: I knew the only way I could enjoy being a designer was to collaborate with those who were working in the realms I felt some sort of connection to. I didn't anticipate, however, that niche happening and growing so effortlessly for me. Instagram really launched me further into that niche and connected me with like-minded people from all over the world. My work for others is truly a reflection of the things I personally value and appreciate. I feel truly lucky to help represent so many businesses I deeply respect and admire.

                            Bleeding hearts

Gaia: Are there any other personal spiritual practices you have? Do you mind sharing about them?

Bree: I like to be quite loose and follow whatever inspiration finds me. I don't adhere to a strict or routine spiritual practice, but I do have certain rituals that bring me joy and help me live with intention. I write out my intentions for most new and full moons. I sometimes turn to tarot if I need some guidance in my life or I'll have my dear friend Alyssa of Bone Darling do a tarot reading for me. Having an altar space is probably my favourite ritual to tend to. I love curating an altar with meaningful objects that reflect my life and the season at the time. I'm enchanted by the Wheel of the Year and love practicing rituals to honour each season. I'm an avid walker and find it to be one of my most therapeutic practices. It pulls me out of my head and into the magic of the world around me. I'm most routine about my yin yoga practice as I attend classes 4-5 nights a week. It's a time where I can truly drop everything I might be carrying throughout my day and just simply be. 

Gaia: What is your sun sign and do you feel you relate to it? If you know what your moon and ascendant signs are, do you feel like they reflect in your personality?

Bree:  I'm a Pisces sun, Scorpio moon and Cancer rising. This all feels very true to me as I live pretty guided by my intuition. My career gives me structure, but also diversity which I've come to learn is best for me as a water sign. I've dreamt of doing so many different things in life, but my career allows me to do what I do in such a myriad of ways for so many different businesses that it keeps things really interesting for me. I definitely have that watery flowy nature which I think makes me a pretty fluid and adaptable person. I'm easily enchanted, have a playful spirit and like to meet the world with a sense of wonder. I imagine my Scorpio moon is responsible for the darker/moody aesthetic you see in my work. I'm attracted to the unknown and find mysterious things very compelling. I really think my chart greatly informs how I move through the world and how I run my business. I'm very grateful for that watery influence as I think it has gifted me a very intuitive approach to life and has ultimately led me to a life that I truly love.Flowers hair

Gaia: Tell us about more about the products or services you offer?

Bree: I provide Branding, Illustration, and Photography services for conscientious and magically-inclined entrepreneurs to help them communicate their business and its offerings. I also offer packaging design for clients with products. I like to help create a brand's identity from the ground up and to continually work with clients throughout the years as their businesses evolve.

     Yarrow Natalie Rousseau

Gaia: Where can we find more information about accessing your products and services?

Bree: You can view my work and see a list of my services on my website at I will be launching a new website at the end of the summer, but for now you can find all of my most current work through my Instagram account @novemberwild.

Gaia: What would be in your shopping bag at Gaia Rising?

Bree: I'm obsessed with your black Obsidian scrying mirrors so definitely one of those! You'd also find some seer smoke, dressed candles, black beeswax candles, Thoth tarot deck, Tarot: Mirror of the Soul book by Gerd Zeigler and some crystals of course.

             Communion Botanicals


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